Matthew Austern's list of publications
Grzegorz Malewicz, Matthew H. Austern, Aart J. C. Bik, James C.
Dehnert, Ilan Horn, Naty Leiser, Grzegorz Czajkowski,
A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing".
In Proceedings of the 2009 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing,
page 6,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada,
August 10-12, 2009
- M. H. Austern (ed.), Proposed Draft Technical Report on C++ Library
Extensions, ISO/IEC PDTR 19768, 2005.
- M. H. Austern,
The Library
Extensions Technical Report, presented to the ACCU,
August 9, 2005.
- M. H. Austern,
"Concept proposal comparison",
presented at the October C++ standard committee meeting. Committee document N1899=05-0154.
- M. H. Austern,
"The Technical Report on C++ Library Extensions",
Dr. Dobb's Journal, June 2005.
- M. H. Austern, "Can Concepts be Implemented?", presentation at the
workshop Concepts: a Linguistic Foundation of Generic
Programming, Adobe, San Jose, April 29, 2004
- M. H. Austern, B. Stroustrup, M. Thorup, and J. F. Wilkinson,
"Untangling the Balancing and Searching of Balanced Binary Search
Trees", Software—Practice and Experience 33:13,
November 2003.
- M. H. Austern,
"Hash tables for the Standard Library",
C/C++ Users Journal,
April 2002.
- M. H. Austern,
"Complex Numbers",
C/C++ Users Journal,
March 2002.
- M. H. Austern,
"Containers of Incomplete Types",
C/C++ Users Journal,
February 2002.
- M. H. Austern,
"And Now for Something Completely Different",
C/C++ Users Journal,
January 2002.
- M. H. Austern,
"A Debugging Allocator",
C/C++ Users Journal,
December 2001.
- M. H. Austern,
"Searching in the Standard Library",
C/C++ Users Journal,
November 2001.
- M. H. Austern,
"Containers of Pointers",
C/C++ Users Journal,
October 2001.
- M. H. Austern,
"I/O and Function Objects",
C/C++ Users Journal,
September 2001.
- M. H. Austern,
"Sorting in the Standard Library",
C/C++ Users Journal,
August 2001.
- M. H. Austern,
"File-Based Containers",
C/C++ Users Journal,
July 2001.
- M. H. Austern,
"Defining a Facet",
C/C++ Users Journal,
June 2001.
- M. H. Austern,
"Bitsets and Bit Vectors",
C/C++ Users Journal,
May 2001.
- M. H. Austern,
"Stringstreams and Their Friends",
C/C++ Users Journal,
April 2001.
- M. H. Austern,
"Streambufs and Streambuf Iterators",
C/C++ Users Journal,
March 2001.
- M. H. Austern,
"User-Defined Format Flags",
C/C++ Users Journal,
February 2001.
- M. H. Austern,
"Defining Iterators and Const Iterators",
C/C++ Users Journal,
January 2001.
- M. H. Austern,
"What Are Allocators Good For?",
C/C++ Users Journal,
December 2000.
- M. H. Austern,
"IOstreams and Stdio",
C/C++ Users Journal,
November 2000.
- M. H. Austern,
"Algorithms and Containers",
C++ Report 12:7, July/August 2000.
- M. H. Austern,
"The Russian Peasant Algorithm",
C++ Report 12:6, June 2000.
- M. H. Austern,
"How To Do Case-Insensitive String Comparison",
C++ Report 12:5, May 2000.
- M. H. Austern,
"Why You Shouldn't Use set -
and What You Should Use Instead",
C++ Report 12:4, April 2000.
- M. H. Austern, Generic
Programming and the STL: Using and Extending the C++ Standard Template Library. Addison Wesley
Longman, Reading, MA, 1998.
- M. H. Austern, "Segmented
Iterators and Hierarchical Algorithms", in M. Jazayeri,
R. G. K. Loos, and D. R. Musser (ed.), Generic programming:
International Seminar on Generic Programming, Castle Dagstuhl,
Springer, 2001.
- M. H. Austern, "Making the World Safe for Exceptions,"
C++ Report 10:1, January 1998.
- M. H. Austern,
"The SGI Standard Template Library,"
Dr. Dobb's Journal, August 1997.
- M. H. Austern, The SGI Standard Template Library,
Presentation to the San Francisco Bay Area
Center for Advanced Technology, February 8, 1997.
- M. Austern, R. Towle, and A. Stepanov,
"Range Partition Adaptors: A Mechanism for Parallelizing STL,"
Applied Computing Review 4:1, Spring 1996.
- M. H. Austern,
"Implementating a complex number class in Eiffel,"
Eiffel Outlook 4:4, 1995.
- M. H. Austern,"Simplex training of
artificial neural systems," LBL-35301, 1994.
- M. H. Austern, Z' Phenomenology: Constraints from
low-energy measurements, and detailed study at TeV-scale lepton and
hadron colliders. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California
at Berkeley, 1994.
- CDF Collaboration, F. Abe, et al.,
for top quark production
in anti-p p collisions at √s = 1.8 TeV,"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 73:225 (1994).
- CDF Collaboration, F. Abe, et al.,
for top
quark production in anti-p p collisions at √s = 1.8 TeV,"
Phys. Rev. D50:2966 (1994).
- W.-M. Yao, L. Galtieri, R. Ely, J. Lys, M. Austern,
"SVX Tracking Improvement,"
CDF/ANAL/TOP/CDFR/2172, 1993.
- W.-M. Yao, L. Galtieri, R. Ely, J. Lys, M. Austern, "Study of
improved track selection for b tagging with SVX,"
CDF/ANAL/TOP/CDFR/2111, 1993.
- CDF B Tag Group, D. Amidei, et al., "Top Search with SVX B
tag," CDF/PHYS/TOP/CDFR/2095, 1993.
- CDF Collaboration, F. Abe, et al., "Measurement of the bottom
quark production cross-section using semileptonic decay electrons in
p anti-p collisions at √s = 1.8 TeV,"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 71:500 (1993).
- M. H. Austern, "Can a strongly interacting
Higgs boson rescue SU(5)?,"Phys. Rev. D47:1268
- J. D. Anderson, M. H. Austern, R. N. Cahn, "τ polarization asymmetry
as a probe of Z' couplings," Phys. Rev. Lett.
69:25 (1992).
- J. D. Anderson, M. H. Austern, R. N. Cahn, "Measurement of Z'
couplings at future hadron colliders through decays to τ
leptons," Phys. Rev. D46:290 (1992).
- SLAC Hybrid Facility Photon Collaboration, G. T. Condo, et al.,
"Photoproduction of an isovector ρπ state at 1775 MeV,"
Phys. Rev. D43:2787 (1991).
- SLAC Hybrid Facility Photon Collaboration, G. T. Condo, et al.,
"Charge exchange photoproduction of the A2-
(1320) in association with Δ++ at 19.3 GeV/c,"
Phys. Rev. D41:3317 (1990).
- J. D. Anderson, M. H. Austern, R. N. Cahn, "Production of J=2
resonances in two-photon collisions," Phys. Rev.
D43:2094 (1991).
- A. Barbaro-Galtieri, A. Bay, A. Palounek, M. Austern, "Measurement of
the top mass in the e-μ channel," SDC-90-00133, 1990.
- M. Austern, A. Barbaro-Galtieri, R. Drucker, R. P. Ely, "Bottom
background to top: a Monte Carlo generator study,"
- M. Austern, A. Barbaro-Galtieri, "Top cross section and acceptance
studies for e-μ and e+jets channels,"
Matthew Austern,
matt @